- What are Bio-identical Hormones?
- What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for men?
- Why Should I use Bio-identical Hormone Therapy?
- Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Cost
- Are Bio-identical Hormones Safe?
- What are the Risks of Bio-identical Hormones?
- What are the Side Effects of Bio-identical Hormones?
- When do men Need Bio-identical Hormone Therapy?
- Our Advantages
As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone and the necessary hormones required for physical performance and sexual stimulation. Declining testosterone levels and hormone imbalance will eventually lead to other issues such as fatigue and memory loss. And after some time, these physical changes can lead to depression and anxiety.
However, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can reverse the aging process by boosting low testosterone levels and correcting hormone imbalance. Bio-identical hormone therapy uses other hormones identical to those produced by the human body to replenish hormone levels and testosterone. With BHR treatment, men can treat the signs of aging and restore their virility.
What are Bio-identical Hormones?
Bio-identical hormones are natural exogenous hormones used to replicate the natural hormones produced by glands in the human body. These hormones are typically extracted from plants such as soy and yams to supply various hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Using these hormones as a basis, physicians can create an individualized plan called bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to help patients with low libido.
What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for men?
Low testosterone levels can lead to various symptoms, including muscle loss, fatigue, decreased sexual desire, and mood swings. By utilizing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, a hormone doctor can customize a medicinal regimen to help restore hormonal balance. For example, physicians may prescribe bio-identical hormone pellets, creams, patches, or injections as part of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for men. As a result, the BHRT can improve their energy levels, decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, and enhance sexual stimulation.
Why Should I use Bio-identical Hormone Therapy?
If you are an aging male or suffering from a hormonal disorder, bio-identical hormone therapy is an effective solution to help you restore your virility. As we age, essential hormones like testosterone begin to decline, leading to weight gain and decreased sex drive. Bio-identical hormone therapy is safe and natural hormone replacement therapy that can help correct a man’s hormonal balance, improve their sex drive, and boost energy levels. Several other benefits include:
- Reduced body fat
- Increased strength
- Decreased anxiety
- Easier weight control
- Improved mood
By providing these benefits, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help improve a man’s lifestyle and optimize his overall health.
Don’t wait, improve your life now.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Cost
The cost of bio-identical hormone treatment will depend on several factors. First, you will need the initial visit and blood work required to determine the condition of your hormonal imbalance, which you should factor into your overall cost before you start therapy. Then, your desired treatment delivery method–pills, patches, creams, or injections–will also affect your cost throughout your treatment.
Are Bio-identical Hormones Safe?
Natural bio-identical hormones are FDA tested and approved for men to use safely for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. However, lab-made compounded bio-identical hormones have not been tested by the FDA, so make sure to discuss the risks of using compound hormones with your doctor before starting treatment.
What are the Risks of Bio-identical Hormones?
Bio-identical hormones are relatively safe to use, but as it is with any treatment, they can come with an increased risk for other complications or diseases, which include:
- Blood clots
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Gallbladder disease
Men with pre-existing conditions should discuss with their doctor the potential risks before starting BHRT treatment.

What are the Side Effects of Bio-identical Hormones?
Men using BHRT treatment may experience various side effects as their bodies begin to adjust to the bio-identical hormones. The most common side effects that patients have reported include:
- Weight gain
- Mood swings
- Bloating
- Acne
- Fatigue
Other potential side effects can vary among men depending on their body type and medical history. You should discuss the possibility of any unexpected side effects with your doctor for them to determine if BHRT is right for you.
When do men Need Bio-identical Hormone Therapy?
Men typically begin experiencing hormone imbalance and a decrease in testosterone levels after 30. By the time men reach the age of 40, their low testosterone levels and hormone imbalance can affect their health, leading to several unwanted changes in their lifestyle. Common signs that indicate you will need bio-identical hormone therapy include:
- Loss of mental acuity
- Dry skin
- Feeling sluggish
- Trritable moods
- Low energy levels
If you experience any of these symptoms during your 30s or 40s, you may want to explore the possibility of bio-identical hormone treatment with a doctor.
The staff at Renew Vitality can help you determine if bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is right for you. Our hormone doctors will study your diet, testosterone levels, lifestyle choices, and overall health to create a customized BHRT plan that will help restore hormone balance and replenish testosterone. We can provide hormone replacement therapy and support anywhere in the United States. Call us at 1-866-995-2371 to schedule an appointment and receive bio-identical hormone treatment near you.